Hi there, I’m so glad you came to visit me! I’m Reba, Owner and Photographer at Studio Bella’s. We’re a Dallas based photography studio company offering photography services and studio rentals for photographers and other creatives.
I’ve had an appreciation for photography for as long as I can remember. I got my first camera around 10 years old and photographed everything! It took me a while to find the type of photography that really moves me. I remember watching a woman tear up while looking at her pictures because she didn’t think she could look or feel that beautiful and sexy.
What I discovered was, I am passionate about helping woman feel beautiful. Yes, the photographs are something tangible, a good reminder, but the feeling and the experience is something you’ll hopefully hold on to. It’s so rewarding to play a part in boosting a woman’s confidence and my hope is that you’ll carry that confidence with you everyday!
I designed the studios with boudoir and photographers in mind. Glamorous and unique spaces that bring inspiration to whomever walks in. Sharing this with you has been so much fun, I absolutely love seeing all the artistry. That’s what makes life so beautiful, perspective. Thank you for allowing me to share this creative space with you and I hope it inspires you and brings you joy!